Projects / / Migros Verteilbetrieb AG Neuendorf: “Flexibility is the match-winner”
Migros Verteilbetrieb AG Neuendorf: “Flexibility is the match-winner”
According to MVB project manager Alexander Schweizer, the omni-channel distribution center of Migros Verteilbetrieb AG (MVB) in Neuendorf (near Basel) belongs to the “unmitigated Champions League” and is one of the most dynamic logistics centers in the world.
Customer: Migros
Migros Verteilbetrieb AG (MVB) is a Swiss logistics company based in Neuendorf. It is a wholly owned subsidiary of Migros-Genossenschafts-Bund (MGB) and serves Migros as a logistics platform in the areas of non-food, near-food, frozen food, and textiles. (Source: Wikipedia).
Neuendorf, Switzerland
Near-food, non-food, frozen food, specialist retailer assortment
470,000+ cases daily
Special features of the project
Supply of all store and online customers with a very broad and rapidly changing product range from one omni-channel distribution center. The processes for a variety of distribution channels can be handled flexibly using the same logistics modules.
To ensure that everything can be handled cost-efficiently, in line with consumer needs, and ergonomically, Migros and WITRON integrated end-to-end automated and semi-automated logistics solutions, both as a brownfield solution into the existing buildings and in newly constructed logistics areas.
Customer opinion
“The system is running successfully. We have achieved a very high level of process flexibility, can react quickly, and adapt our logistics processes to ever new demands. And this is exactly what makes the difference! The merging of stationary and online business is constantly growing. Product ranges are changing very quickly. Christmas promotions and “Black Fridays” sometimes require more than 10 times the picking performance of a normal weekday, especially when it comes to home shopping orders. But we can master these challenges with the WITRON system. There are also other advantages. We have been able to reduce our logistics costs, are more cost-efficiently in terms of transportation costs, and we can respond more flexibly to the stores’ demands with regard to pallet design or find good compromises to suit the requirements of the sales and logistics sectors. The new solution has also improved ergonomics for our employees. Lifting, carrying, and awkward walking routes are almost completely eliminated - in the logistics center and in the store.”