Solutions / DPP - Display Pallet Picking
DPP - Display Pallet Picking
The DPP solution is an integrated concept for the fully automated creation of store-friendly customer orders, consisting of different quarter and half pallets. In the process, orders can be picked with DPP both on pallets and on roll containers.
Level of automation
Fully automated
Picking unit
Quarter pallets, half pallets, display pallets
Fully automated picking of store-friendly display units directly onto order pallets. The automation covers all operations – from placing loose incoming quarter and half pallets on a carrier pallet in the receiving area, to storage, picking, temporary buffering, consolidation, and transport securing, to staging in the shipping area.
  • Fully automated picking of customer orders consisting of half and quarter pallets onto Euro pallets or roll containers through DPP stacker crane
  • Picking of half pallets with DPP HBW directlyin the pallet high bay warehouse
  • Picking of quarter pallets in the DPP module
  • Sequence-friendly and immediate transportation of the order pallets to the shipping areas
  • End-to-end automation in the entire material flow
Special features
The replenishment of the picking zones integrated in the tote warehouse is exclusively system-controlled by stacker cranes of an automated small parts warehouse (AS/RS). The classification of the product structure is continuously reviewed and adjusted by DPS. Due to the static and dynamic provision of the stored goods, the walking distances of the employees are reduced by up to 75%. End-to-end ergonomics plays an important role for all workstations - starting with the workstations for repacking the goods into totes and through to the picking workstations. The lifting and carrying of totes in the DPS is reduced to a minimum.
Industry sector
Retail / Distribution